A1K Adults 1 archery course, THU, 24.10-12.12.2024

Suurin määrä ilmoittautumisia on saavutettu!

Course is on Thursdays 17:30–19:30 starting from 24.10 and ending at 12.12.2024

The course is in ENGLISH.

  • The course lasts 8 weeks, and costs 120€. The price includes eight instructed lessons, a gym rubber band, personal finger string, course materials for A1K and two independent shooting sessions in the Wilhelm Tell archery hall at members hours. You don’t need any equipment of your own. You can shoot with inside shoes or outside shoes at our hall.
  • On the course you will learn the basics of archery, helping you get started shooting independently. The course includes basic archery technique, shooting, archery specific warmups, body maintenance, safety instruction, and basics of mental components of archery.
  • The course is for everyone 18 years or above, who have attended at least one archery tryout before, for example the Adult Beginner’s Group (AAR).
  • After the course you can join A2K course for more teaching and/or join the APR group.

  • Responsible Instructor for course is Hanna Järvinen

When you have sent this form you are considered to have reserved your place for the course, an automatic confirmation will not be sent to you. You can pay the course fee to the club account FI74 1432 3000 2081 57 write on the message 24A1K. You can also pay the course at club with card, voucher for culture and sport or with cash.

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